Sunday Worship 10:30AM

604 South Church Street
Princeton, IL 61356


Hampshire Colony Congregational Church (HCCC) began in 1831 when a group of New Englanders went west to start a new town. One of our first pastors was Rev. Owen Lovejoy, a well known abolitionist and conductor on the Underground Railroad. He later took our anti-slavery values to serve as a US senator. HCCC has a dynamic history and a deep love for God and each other. Today we offer modern ways to pursue a personal friendship with Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Church Expansion continues to reflect growth

Steadily the church became more modernized. In 1907, a telephone was installed in the building, and in 1916; an electric motor replaced the water motor that had supplied power since the days when boys had pumped the organ. In the summer of 1929, the outside of the...

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The Hampshire Colony Congregational Church, 1831-1931

The Hampshire Colony Congregational Church, Its First Hundred Years, 1831-1931 : a record assembled by the Historical committee by Hampshire colony Congregational church (Princeton, Ill.); Harrison, Ella Warren, 1851-1937 Publication date 1931 Topics Hampshire colony...

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Contact Info

Hampshire Colony Congregational Church
604 S Church St
Princeton, IL 61356

Office: 815-875-2329

FEIN: 36-2406665

Sunday Worship Service

Worship Service: 10:30AM

Regular Worship Service is held every Sunday at 10:30 am and is followed by a brief Fellowship.

Office Hours

Tuesday: 8:30AM - 11:30AM
Thursday: 8:30AM - 11:30AM